The Loan Status Report gives details of all those Group loans that were issued and have outstanding balances on the selected reporting date.
How do you generate Loan Status Report.
To generate a loan status report you go to Loans/Portfolio reports/Group Members Portfolio Reports/Loan status report a screen like one below appears:
Client Category 1: From the drop down box, select a client based on the classification that you made at Menu Support Files Client Category 1 / Client Category 2 and Client Category 3. You may tick the Check for all option to have a report on all options under each client category.
- In the pop up screen, select the required filter criteria from the drop down boxes e.g. SECTOR, relational operator e.g. "=" (Equals sign) and the value e.g. Agriculture.
- Click the OK button if all the data entered is sufficient. You will get another pop up information screen showing the filter for the Loan Status report that was selected. Click on "Yes" button if it is the right filter to generate the Loan Status report.
- When the additional filter option is not selected, we will continue with the details in the first screen and it will be as follows:
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